Our boss surpises us again and again. We thought we already saw nearly everything possible rubbersuits.
Last fall he had suddenly the idea to visit a scuba course to get the scuba license. Of course we knew he does not want the license for watching the beautiful waterworld but to live out his drysuit and neoprene fetish with flask-breathing under water more.
Now we know what the huge water tank of the army is made for and why he rebuilt it with the possibility to attach chains and ropes inside it. Hmmm who would not think of underwaterbondage there?
After a few diving lessons he came back very disappointed. This rental equipment of the school looked so bad and had no style at all. He had to use an ugly semidry suit. In November it was very cold in the “Walensee”-Lake. Well well…
So he convinced his teacher to finish the rest of the course with the drysuit. Finally he could use one of his Viking Rubberdrysuits. The smile and fun came back.
There it started… Suddenly all was just common and normal anymore. The boss started to act weird. He did not come out of his office and lots of diving magazines were around.
Then one day we had to appear for a photoshooting. We did not know there are new products ready. But see there: We had a fetish rubberdrysuit. This look…this design…the weight…this options and the fit…absolutely overwhelming and turning on J
Our boss just meant: Also under water we have to look and feel good, right?
And it can be used out of water too, just look in the gallery.
After the photoshoot we had to continue of course in the playroom, these pics we may not show here unfortunately ;) ---- or do you find one?